
Complementary Introductory Consultation

What does success look like to you, and how can I help you achieve it? During a 15-minute introductory conversation, I'll get to know a bit more about you and your civics educational goals. We'll have this time to chat about initial ideas to help you reach and accomplish your plan.

One-on-One Strategy Session

What do you want to accomplish right now? There's no time to delay when time is of the essence. During a 30-minute chat, we will conduct an overview of your professional goals and best practices you can employ for short-to-midterm youth voice and action education plans.

One-on-One Strategy Session (Ongoing)

What's your five-year or ten-year civics education plan? Let's brainstorm strategies to devise long-term goals, conduct check-ins as you work to achieve your benchmarks, and reflect once your plan has been executed.

Curriculum Development

How can I help you create new youth development, Social Studies, experiential civics, service- or project-learning curriculum? Let's collaborate on identifying the best curriculum design, aligning standards, and creating lesson plans and activities that meet the needs of you and your youth.